Perhaps I have more reason
for my fear than most.
You see, since childhood I've been ill.
I have fainting spells.
Was it I who mentioned
catalepsy yesterday?
Yes. I couldn't tell you then.
I've had trances lasting more than a day...
with almost complete suspension
of heartbeat and respiration.
I should have known. I'm terribly sorry.
I would never have spoken as I did.
But you need not fear.
I will take every precaution,
make every known test.
- If you are unlucky...
- Thank you.
Now that you understand,
I'm no longer afraid.
I suppose you want to hear
my prayer to Hermes?
I just came to see if your prayer
would entertain me...
as much as my medicine
seems to amuse you.
O, God of physicians,
God of healing, protect us.
Watch over us, thou swift-footed one,
son of Zeus.
What? Did my prayer move you
to join with me in worship?
It was my way of saying amen...
- and my surrender.
- To the gods?
To the gods.
They are more powerful than my science.