It was two years ago that
we decided to live for each other.
What a monster I am!
Don't be so hard on yourself.
We all have something
to blame ourselves for.
Even you?
Even me.
Tell me.
It might be better not to.
We vowed never to keep
anything from each other.
That's the trouble.
I've held back from telling you
for some time now.
I didn't want to hurt you.
- You, hurt me?
Here it is, then.
It happened gradually,
without my realizing it.
I couldn't laugh.
I couldn't sleep.
I wondered if it was
your fault, but no.
You're as wonderful as ever.
You stay the same.
I'm the one who has changed.
I ask myself over and over:
Why am I no longer impatient?
Why is waiting no longer a torment?
Why does my heart not leap up
when he arrives?
The sound of the elevator's approach
no longer thrills me.
It's a horrible discovery,
but I wish to be frank.
My heart is drifting away from you.
I'm ready for your reproaches,
bitterness and insults.
I've called myself
the worst names already.
Only one insult could
wound me now: "hypocrite"
Hélène, you're wonderful.
You were the first to speak,
but I was guilty first.
The story of your love
is exactly the story of my own.
All you thought,
I thought as well.
I kept silent, suffering.