What a shame!
You should see them again,
invite them over, help them.
You like my ladies from the Bois?
They're unlike the ladies
you usually associate with.
Very perceptive of you.
They're so unlike them
that they refuse to come
when I invite them.
- Why?
- Out of tact and scruples.
Are they so poor?
They went very quickly
from wealth to destitution
and found simple contentment.
They surprise me.
- I admire them.
Do you think I could see them,
entertain them?
Certainly not.
You have no idea
what that girl is like.
No idea at all.
She is beyond anyone's reach.
You can't touch her nor tempt her.
You'd get nowhere.
If I were to go,
would they throw me out?
You? Go to Port-Royal Square?
Port-Royal Square?
Of course they would.
I should just give up the whole idea?
That would be wise.
My dearJean, be careful with your whims.
You're flirting with disaster.
I'd rather warn you
than console you.
See you tomorrow?
See you tomorrow.
The gentleman forgot his gloves.
I'll return them to him tomorrow.
He won't be back tomorrow.