To avoid me?
So as not to give me anything?
Why won't you give alms
to a poor blind man?
- Why?
- I have no money.
No money?
Hear that, bird?
That's a good one.
Folks strut around
with their pockets full.
Easy to pick
when you can see.
It's not my trade.
His trade! Hear that, bird?
Doesn't have a sou,
but he's got a trade.
A fine trade that feeds a man.
A fine trade, even so.
May I sit here a moment?
I've walked a lot
and I'm a bit tired.
What are you doing out
at this hour?
Hear that, bird?
- Looking at what?
- Everything.
Say, you're nosey.
Too curious, you are.
Say, pilgrim,
would your trade be...
Oh, no! Don't worry.
We're not worried.
We just don't like informers,
the bird and me.
So, where do you work?
At the Funambules.
The Funambules!
You sell oranges?
- No, I perform.
- Perform?
Yes, pantomime.
Oh, I love pantomime!
- I often go.
- You?
Sure, I can't see it,
but a friend describes it all.
So that's it.
You're an actor.
Why didn't you say so?
Let's celebrate.
Sure, let's get a drink.
And when I say a drink...
Thank you, but...
Thank me
when we're good and drunk.
Let's go, bird.
Your coach is leaving.
We're not going far.
It's right nearby.