Say, pilgrim,
would your trade be...
Oh, no! Don't worry.
We're not worried.
We just don't like informers,
the bird and me.
So, where do you work?
At the Funambules.
The Funambules!
You sell oranges?
- No, I perform.
- Perform?
Yes, pantomime.
Oh, I love pantomime!
- I often go.
- You?
Sure, I can't see it,
but a friend describes it all.
So that's it.
You're an actor.
Why didn't you say so?
Let's celebrate.
Sure, let's get a drink.
And when I say a drink...
Thank you, but...
Thank me
when we're good and drunk.
Let's go, bird.
Your coach is leaving.
We're not going far.
It's right nearby.
"The Red Breast."
You're curious,
so you're in for a treat.
- Shall I lead?
- No, thanks. I know the way.
Nice name, eh?
"The Red Breast."
On account of the former owner.
He got bled one night
behind his bar.
So the name "Red Breast" stuck.
Take a seat. This is the place.
This is home.