Les Enfants du paradis

alias Sweet Dreams,
because he cures nightmares.

Do you dream about snakes, fires,
new-born babes?

Believe it or not, Silk Thread,
a real collector's item.

Well, I'll be! You here, Baptiste?
You in a place like this?
What would Deburau say?
And Nathalie?

Don't mention Nathalie!
So gentle, fresh as a rose,
pure as a lily.

I won't listen!
I don't like you!

I told you so.
Leave me alone.

Hear that, Silk Thread?
Try and be helpful...

What I said's for your own good.
Here comes high society!
Greetings, Mr Lacenaire.
It's wonderful!
What's wonderful?
Everything. Life!
His lawyer says: "Keep quiet!"
The priest:
"Confession is half remission."

He confesses.
The judge:
"You killed and confessed. Fine.

Off with your head."
The man, disappointed, protests:
"But confession is half remission!"
The judge:
"True, but Justice must be done.

So off with half your head!"
That's a good one!
Why so sad and silent, my angel?
Life is beautiful.
Then why do you always
harp on death?

Never fear.
I talk mostly of other people's deaths.

Mine is for later.
