Forgive me. I lose track
of all the names I use.
A childish precaution.
The police are so inept.
Unlike me.
I am well informed.
For example,
I knew about your return at once.
I learned where you were living,
and with whom.
Nothing escapes you.
And I know they've put
my angel in a gilded cage.
I'm not throwing stones.
I've been in prison myself lately,
and in the provinces!
Not even a hint of a smile?
I used to amuse you.
Have you lost your gaiety,
or it so unpleasant to see me?
On the contrary,
I'm glad to see you.
- Yes, it reminds me of...
- An entire era!
Yes, the easy years,
the happy days, the good life.
Never look back at the past,
my angel.
It leaps at your throat
like a mad dog.
Still, fortunately, I was happy.
- Despite all.
- Back then.
Don't be silly.
Then as now.
Time has nothing to do
with happiness.
And the man in white?
Do you think your friend,
the mime, is happy?
To think I had
the absurd notion of killing him.
Comical, no?
One might as well stab
at a breeze or a moonbeam.
And the other one: Frederick.
I considered him too, my angel.
I even called on him
on an amusing pretext.
Which was?
To ask this complete stranger
for money. He'd refuse and...
- And he gave it to you?
- A large sum. Amazing!
Unselfish people still exist.
Actors aren't people.
They're every man and no man.
People of high society:
Those are people!
Like Count de Montray,
one of France's richest notables.