Hit that house with the light.
Stop, you!
Okay, okay.
What's the hurry, pal?
-No gun.
-Better take a look in that house.
This guy came through that window
like he was shot out of a cannon.
-Get that from the window?
-l cut myself shaving.
Get going, smart guy.
You need some fixing.
Oh, brother.
l'm so smart, it's a disease.
All right, go ahead.
What were you doing in there, pal?
Picking up souvenirs?
No, pal. Nothing petty.
This is a pretty big night for you.
Lots of excitement.
There's a stiff in there.
ls that so?
And l suppose you were running
right to the station to report it?
He says there's a dead guy
in the house.
-You never saw deader.
-Better call headquarters.
Car 93 calling K-Q-V-B.
Car 93 calling K-Q-V-B.
Mother, where have you been?
They won't tell me anything.
-Who won't tell you? Who's ''they''?
-These men.