Just a moment.
lt's for you. Mrs. Biederhof.
Maggie, l can't talk now.
l told you not to--
-I tried to call you at the office.
-l can't talk to you now. Later.
So the noble Mr. Pierce
can't talk right now.
You're busy saying what's wrong with
our marriage is how l treat the kids.
Maggie means nothing to me.
You know that.
l wish l could believe it.
You'd better apologize, or she won't
play gin rummy with you anymore.
-lt is gin rummy, isn't it?
-Now, don't go too far.
-One day, l'll call your bluff.
-You're not calling me. l'm calling you.
You might as well get this straight.
Those kids come first in this house.
Before either one of us.
Maybe that's right and maybe
it's wrong. But that's the way it is.
l'll do the best l can for them. lf l
can't do it with you, l'll do it alone.
You're looking for an excuse
to heave me out on my ear.
-l didn't say--
-l'm fed up.
Get along without me. When you
want me, you know where to find me.
You go to that woman's house,
you're never coming back here.
l go where l want to go.
Then pack up, Bert.
All right, l will.
-Kids haven't come home yet, huh?
-No, not yet.
l don't want you to tell them l said
goodbye or anything like that.
-You can just say--
-l know. l'll take care of it.
Okay, then l'll leave it to you.
Goodbye, Mildred.
Go on, Bert. There's nothing
more to say. Just go on.
One, two, three, hike!
Pass it, pass it!
-Come on!
-Pass it!
-Kay, for goodness' sake!
-What's eating you?
-You're coming home with me.
-l ain't done nothing.
-You never let anybody have fun.
-Look at your clothes.