Mildred Pierce

All right.
When do we eat?
Now you stop that
or you'll spoil your dinner.

-Look at your clothes.
-l know. l should have been a boy.

Come on, bring me those dishes
off the sink, will you, darling?

-Father had a suitcase with him.
-Did he? That's a lovely piece, Veda.

-Where was he going?
-l don't know.

-How long will he be gone?
-That's hard to say.

Don't stop playing, darling.
ls he coming back?
Has he gone for good?

Look, you might as well know it now.
Your father and l
have decided to separate.

You mean, Dad's not
coming home anymore?

-Doesn't he like us?
-lt has nothing to do with you, honey.

lt just couldn't be helped. We'll have
to get along by ourselves now.

What did you and Father quarrel about?
l can't tell you now.
Someday l will, but not now.

lf you mean Mrs. Biederhof,
l must say my sympathy is all with you.

-She's distinctly middle class.
-Please, Veda. lt wasn't Mrs. Biederhof.

-lt was little things. Mostly about your dress.
-My dress?

-lt came?
-Yes, it's upstairs in your room.

-Come on.

You ought to do something
about your sit-down.

-What's wrong with it?
-Sticks out.

lt's the dress. lt's awful cheap
material. l can tell by the smell.

What do you expect,
want it inlaid with gold?

lt seems to me if you're buying
anything, it should be the best.

-This is definitely not the best.
-Quit. You're breaking my heart.

lt's impossible.
Look at it. Ruffles.
l wouldn't be seen dead
in this rag. lt's horrible.

How could she have bought me
such a thing?

It didn't take me long that night
to figure out that I was dead broke.

And with Bert gone,
it looked as though I'd stay broke.
