Honest, Kay, you ought to take
more pride in the way you look.
-You act like a peasant.
-Pretzels, what do l care?
You'll care someday, Miss Smarty!
Wait till you get interested in boys.
l got over that when l was 8.
-All right, l'll try. Hello, Mom.
-Hello, darling.
-Good afternoon, Mother.
-Hello, darling.
-Who's the cake for?
-Eddie Whitley. lt's his birthday.
That goon.
-How was your lesson?
-l'm learning a new piece.
-Are you?
-''Valse Brilliante.''
-That means ''brilliant waltz.''
-Does it really?
l saw Father go out.
Did you? Why don't you play your
new piece for me? l'd love to hear it.
All right.
When do we eat?
Now you stop that
or you'll spoil your dinner.
-Look at your clothes.
-l know. l should have been a boy.
Come on, bring me those dishes
off the sink, will you, darling?
-Father had a suitcase with him.
-Did he? That's a lovely piece, Veda.
-Where was he going?
-l don't know.
-How long will he be gone?
-That's hard to say.
Don't stop playing, darling.
ls he coming back?
Has he gone for good?
Look, you might as well know it now.
Your father and l
have decided to separate.
You mean, Dad's not
coming home anymore?
-Doesn't he like us?
-lt has nothing to do with you, honey.
lt just couldn't be helped. We'll have
to get along by ourselves now.
What did you and Father quarrel about?
l can't tell you now.
Someday l will, but not now.