Objective, Burma!

"Proceed north
to map reference D-247850...

- "and stay there."
- That's it.

I think I'll get some sleep.
- What's up?
- Can't tell you. But it's okay, believe me.

Hey, Pop, writing a letter to your mother?
No, son, to yours, to all your mothers.
What you thinking about, Gabby?
I wonder what happened to those
two Zulus I had a date with last week.

- Looks like one of our ships, sir.
- Try and contact him, Broph.

Army 27805 from Red Leader.

This is Army 27805 to Red Leader.
This is official from Black Leopard.
Disregard all previous instructions. Over.

Just a minute, Barker, while I get my map.
Open to "D" reference.
Okay, ready. Over.
Proceed north to map reference D-247850
as quickly as possible.

And stay there. End of message. Over.
North to map reference D-247850.
- Okay, got it. Over.
- Stand by. We're coming in for a run.

Take it away.
He said north.
I don't get it.
Why, that's directly away from the base.

- We aren't going home?
- Guess not.

I don't get it.
Don't like it either.
Neither do I.
It's orders. So that's where we're going.
You hear that? We ain't going home.
I hope they know what they're doing.
If they order us north, they've
a good reason for ordering us north.

Maybe we're going
to contact the Chinese troops.
