Objective, Burma!

Just a minute, Barker, while I get my map.
Open to "D" reference.
Okay, ready. Over.
Proceed north to map reference D-247850
as quickly as possible.

And stay there. End of message. Over.
North to map reference D-247850.
- Okay, got it. Over.
- Stand by. We're coming in for a run.

Take it away.
He said north.
I don't get it.
Why, that's directly away from the base.

- We aren't going home?
- Guess not.

I don't get it.
Don't like it either.
Neither do I.
It's orders. So that's where we're going.
You hear that? We ain't going home.
I hope they know what they're doing.
If they order us north, they've
a good reason for ordering us north.

Maybe we're going
to contact the Chinese troops.

Maybe there's another landing strip.
I'll bet that's what it is,
another landing strip.

It could be
there's a British outpost up there.

- Maybe that's why...
- Yeah, maybe.

Maybe if your aunt had a beard,
she'd be your uncle.

I got it. I got the whole solution.
Maybe there's a nice saloon up north
with scoopers of beer a foot high.

And Burmese dancing girls crying
their eyes out just to hold your hand.

Maybe there's a cute little
vine-covered cottage by a waterfall.

Your old gray-haired mother standing
on the front porch waiting...

with a pitcher of milk in each mitt. Maybe.
He's gonna drop it in our laps this time.
Come on, let's bring it in.
