ls that the latest fashion...
with them aristocratic
cousins of yours?
Or is it what they're
wearing this season in wigwams?
Come on, boy.
We got to talk business.
See you later, Pearl.
Come, dear.
l'll take you to your room.
He don't want me here.
You mustn't mind the Senator.
He doesn't mean anything by it.
lt's his way ever since...
ever since his accident.
lt's a long story...
and, l'm afraid,
not a very pleasant one.
l wish we had
a better room for you...
but later on,
we'll speak to the Senator.
Lewton, dear.
This is Pearl.
My youngest son--Lewton.
Pleased to meet you, Lewton.
Pleased to meet you...
Come, Pearl.
You and Lewton will have
plenty of time later on...
to get to know one another.
l'm sure we will.
l hope Jesse likes me.
We're going to lose him someday.
l've known that ever since
he came back from law school.
l've been so selfish.
He'd have gone long ago
if it weren't for me.
My firstborn--he's so good.
He's made such
a difference in my life.
-Yes, Pearl?
l'll be a good girl.
l promise l will.
l want to be like you.
That's what my father wanted.
l'm afraid neither
your father nor l...
found happiness, child.
l hope you will.
Come, child.