Duel in the Sun

Come, Pearl.
You and Lewton will have
plenty of time later on...

to get to know one another.
l'm sure we will.
l hope Jesse likes me.
We're going to lose him someday.
l've known that ever since
he came back from law school.

l've been so selfish.
He'd have gone long ago
if it weren't for me.

My firstborn--he's so good.
He's made such
a difference in my life.

-Yes, Pearl?

l'll be a good girl.
l promise l will.
l want to be like you.
That's what my father wanted.
l'm afraid neither
your father nor l...

found happiness, child.
l hope you will.
Come, child.
This is no way to begin.
Do you know this waltz?
Will you stop
that infernal instrument!

King me, Senator.
l always figured when l moved
into my own quarters...

l'd be rid of that noise.
l guess that's it, Senator.
l think l'll take me
a little stroll.

Now we got that papoose
to put up with.

l don't know.
She looks like
a pretty cute tamale to me.

You think so?
Wouldn't appeal to me none.

Of course, l always
liked my women more...

Say, Senator.
Yeah, Lewt?
You know that last trip
l took up to Abilene?

l was driving the herd all day
and kind of tired...

and felt like getting
some relaxation.

Yeah. Didn't happen
to drop into a place...

called the Last Chance, did you?
How did you find that out?
Sent them a check
for 1,600 just yesterday.
