Thanks, Lewt.
You're a better wrangler
than all of them.
Sid, see that chestnut
over there?
She looks lame.
Take her out to pasture.
lt's hotter than a stove lid.
Sure wish we was over
at the sump right now.
And somebody else figures
the same way, l reckon.
Looks like she's heading
for a cool-off.
-l'll see you later.
-Where are you going, boss?
-l got business.
-That lucky stiff.
l wish l was a McCanles.
Good afternoon.
How's that water?
As cool as it looks?
You go away from here.
-Care for a swimming lesson?
What if l just stay around,
keep you company?
Don't you dare.
l'm sorry, honey.
l can't hear a word you say.
Move over.
You can't come in here.
Just act like l'm not even here.
Act like we never even met.
You disappointed?
lf you ain't the lowest,
dirtiest, meanest--
Come on out.
l ain't stopping you.
l can't, with you there.
Wait till it's plumb dark,
for all l care.