he'll be needing
no introduction to you.
Seeing as how Sam was snatched
from his loved ones' arms...
before they even had time
to get a good grip on him...
l'm counting on you to give him
a better break up yonder.
Hey, you hatchet face!
Are you so almighty hungry
to hang one man...
that you can't wait till we
get through planting this one?
Now l be consigning him
to your keeping.
And l'm guessing
you'll find him...
the gentlest,
sweetest straw boss...
ever to enter the pearly gates.
Start shoveling, cowpokes.
lt's our fault.
We raised him wild.
lf he'd only gone
to school, like Jesse.
l thought l asked you never
to mention Jesse's name again.
lf you hadn't
brought her here...
none of this
would have happened.
Perhaps if your attitude
toward her had been different--
lt's my fault, huh?
lt's my fault.
You dared to bring
that lndian baggage...
right here into this house,
and now you try to tell me...
You get her out of here.
And what's more,
get her out of here tonight!
You've screamed at me
for the last time.
You made one of your sons
hate you and sent him away.
You made the other one
Pearl will stay here
just as long as l do.
Here's the money.
You better clear out of here...