
- Orders, Mr. Farrel.
- Not my orders ...

- Johnny, I've been looking for you.
- Gambling is illegal in Argentina.

Is that the reason for the pay-off?
- Naturally.
- Why doesn't it show on the books?

- You may ask any question you wish.
- I just asked one.

Let's have dinner. Gilda is much
too beautiful to be left alone.

- You've changed the subject.
- Yes.

I found him.
Very elusive chap.

- You're looking very beautiful.
- Can't you return the compliment?

You're looking very beautiful.
If there's anything I love,
it's a spontaneous compliment.

You're so nice that I'll show you
my husband's coming-home present.

- Isn't it cute?
- 50,000 pesos, and it's cute.

Wait, let's drink to us.
To the three of us.

- What's the matter, Johnny?
- I get confused.

Just a few weeks ago
we drank to the three of us.

Well, should I be jealous?
- It was just a friend of mine.
- A him or a her?

That's an interesting question.

- A her.
- Why that conclusion?

Because it looks like one thing,
then it suddenly becomes another.

You haven't much faith
in the stability of women.
