Monsieur Beaucaire

Then what is it? Speak, man, speak!
King Philip feels that
the forces who fan...

the flames of hatred toward
France can still be thwarted.

But how, how? An alliance
based on royal marriage.

Royal marriage? Yes, sire.
Between Maria, Princess of Spain, and
a French nobleman of your choosing.

Mmm. What do you think, Armand?
Philip is shrewd, sire.
He knows the Spanish.

The right marriage might well stir
their romantic imagination and avert war.

Yes, yes, quite true. Quite true.
But we must be careful. We
must choose the proper man.

You, courier, refresh
yourself. I shall send for you.

Yes, Armand, we must choose the proper man.
Someone handsome,
dashing, clever.
One whose wit and charm would
captivate the Spanish court.

In other words, sire, the Duke Deschamps.
Who else? Brilliant
stroke, sire, brilliant.

Obvious choice to rid the court...
of his fiery temper and quick blade.
To say nothing of considerable
romantic competition.

The young blood should be
duly grateful, eh, Armand?

Not to mention a few
of the older ones, sire.

I shouldn't wonder.
What do you mean? Oh,
nothing, sire. Nothing.

Except I noticed the charming newcomer...
Madame de Pompadour favor him with a smile.
A smile? A smile? What's a smile?
She did? But what matter, sire?
After all, he leaves
in a few days. Few days?

He leaves tonight! Send
the courier back to Spain.

Tell Philip his daughter Maria weds
the darling of the French court.

Bon vivant! Swordsman extraordinaire!
Prince of the blood! Our adored
Duke Deschamps! Very well, sire.

Inform Deschamps, the queen, the ministers.
