And who says Madame
Pompadour influences the king?
Oh, everybody knows that. It's
all over. It's... Or don't they?
Louis, I shall talk to you later!
My dear, wait, please!
You mustn't misunderstand.
You see... I said, later, and alone!
You blundering nincompoop!
Get out of this palace. If I so much
as see you again, I'll have your head!
Yes, sire. Thank you, sire.
As for that other matter,
Deschamps leaves for Spain... tonight!
I guess I caught him in a bad humor.
Who does he think he is to talk to
me that way? After all, I'm not dirt.
I'm a man. Well, sort of.
What makes him so special
anyway? A ring, a wig,
some robes, a few soldiers.
After all, anyone can be king.
It just happens to be where
you get born, that's all.
I could be king.
Bet I'd make a good king too.
OI' liver-lip never looked this good.
"Beaucaire, you jabberin' nincompoop!