Oh, you must believe me! Take your
hands off me. I never want to see you.
Beaucaire, your life is in danger.
You speak to me of danger?
I say poof to danger!
Double poof.
How do you like that? Six guys
tryin' to make a pincushion outta me.
Get out of those clothes. I've had
enough of this. Why, Your Highness!
Don't you "Highness" me, Your Highness.
I wanna be your "loneness" again.
What's this? This is what you got me into.
Deschamps, thank heaven you're safe.
Come along. Get out of these things.
I'm afraid not. I'm en route to Madrid.
Madrid? I must see her once
more, if only to say good-bye.
I absolutely forbid it.
He absolutely forbids it.
Shame on you to risk the lives of thousands of
your countrymen merely for a romantic caprice.
Caprice? I've never loved like this
before. Let's have a caprice later.
Armand, would you have
your bridegroom killed?
Those men weren't after
him. They're after me.
That's right! That's why I'm
getting out of these clothes.
Change clothes. Plunge your
country into war. What do you mean?
I didn't expect this of a clever
fellow like you. Me? What'd I do?
A man with a chance to outwit the
sharpest minds in Spain. I have? How?
Listen. One of us is a duke
and one a barber, right? Right.
But they don't know which
is which. Oh, the morons.
If they kill me, what
have they got? The duke.
If we stay the way we are and let
them kill you, what have they got?
Nothing but a barber. I knew you'd see it.
We stay the way we are. Good man.
Vive le duke. See you
in Madrid. Vive le duke.
And good luck!
The duke's a pretty smart fellow
to figure a thing like that out.
Now all they're gonna kill is
a crummy little barber. A bar...
A barber! That's me! Love live the duke.
Long live the duke? Oh no!