Thank you, sir.
Shakespeare was not
meant for taverns...
nor for tavern louts.
Yorick stays here!
iQue pasa? iQue pasa?
iParece que haybandjdos!
My apologies, Marshal.
Ike and Phin have had
a little whiskey.
Sure. I figured they was just
having themselves some fun.
Come on, Mr. Thorndyke.
I'll take you to the theater.
- Stop, Pa!
- Stop, Pa! Stop!
When you pull a gun,
kill a man.
Yes, Pa.
Sorry, sir. Can't find Old Dad
this morning anywhere.
- Can't imagine where he is.
- Oh, thanks.
- Night stage is a little late!
- Yes, sir.
- Good morning, Marshal.
- Good morning, girls.
Hyah! Hyah!
Hyaah! Hyah!