If not, we'll go out
and pick him up.
These-These fortunes. They kill me.
This ain't bad.
Well, I'll, uh, see you
some more, huh? Bye.
- Bye.
- Bye, Don.
Not bad at all.
"Confucius say,
'When something smell bad, keep nose clean."'
Boy, I certainly fooled him.
I told you he was
a smart cop.
He was a hungry cop.
I'll say that much.
You know, anybody that dug up Cravat
would be digging up a couple of million with him.
That's a good reason for trying.
That's even a good private reason.
It's not mine, if that's what you mean.
I've got no interest in the money.
Well, I'm a businessman, and frankly,
I'm interested right now.
Maybe we can
work something out...
where you wind up with Cravat,
and I wind up with what I can get.
- Help yourself.
- And I wind up with a pair of nylons, I suppose.
You name it, Chris.
All or any part of what I've got.
Speaking as kind of
a partner now...
I'd like to know a little more about
what happened at my place last night.
You might ask around
about a character named Anzelmo.
- Anzelmo?
- Very polite man with a very wet face.
He shut his eyes every time Hubert hit me,
then he told him to hit me again.
I've heard tell of Anzelmo. They say it in whispers.
I'm sure he's just
a misunderstood boy.
Well, of all the nerve. A ticket.
And I had lunch with a cop.
Seems somebody left a note.
For you.
"L.C. 42111/2 North Summit.
San Pedro."
Isn't that a little childish
for a detective lieutenant?
Leaving notes around
like Easter eggs.
- What makes you so sure it was Kendall?
- Who else?
- Who else, Taylor?
- I've gotten beyond caring. L.C. Is only one name in my book...
and it means I've got someplace
in particular to go this afternoon.