Fox: See, he made a fool out of you. You fool.
Bear: He did?
Fox: Of co'se he did. He jes...
Bear: Well then.. I'm jes gonna knock his head.
Fox: You keep out of this Brer Bear. He's mine.
Bear: ..clean off.
Fox: He's mine, I caught 'im, I want 'im.
Fox: He's mine. I've gotcha Brer Rabbit. He's mine.
Fox: Let go.. I caught him.. He's mine.. Let go now..
He's mine look out dar
Fox: I gotcha Brer Rabbit. Heh. Heh!
Bear: I got 'im Brer Fox. I got him Brer Fox.
Remus: So Brer Rabbit took his foot in his
hand and put out for home.. where he b'long.
Remus: And just like I tol' 'im in the fus'
place, you can't run away from trouble.
Remus: Dey ain't no place dat fur.
Johnny: His foot in his hand Uncle Remus?
Remus: Sho honey. Dat's jes' a way o'
sayin' dat he run as fast as he kin.
Remus: Straight back to his briar patch.
Johnny: Where's Brer Rabbit's briar patch?
Remus: Whar? Well now, lemme see.. Dat I
can't zackly say, 'cause I ain't been keepin close
Remus: track as I uster, but..
Johnny: Do you think we could find it?
Remus: Find it? Co'se we could! But what's the
use o' speculatin' on dat.. when we's goin' away?
Johnny: Do you think we ought to go uncle remus?
Remus: Not go? After I done fixed all dis grub?
Johnny: But you said it was a mighty long walk.
Remus: But we'se goin' together, ain't we?
What's done come over you, honey?
Johnny: Well, Brer Rabbit..