Remus: Sho honey. Dat's jes' a way o'
sayin' dat he run as fast as he kin.
Remus: Straight back to his briar patch.
Johnny: Where's Brer Rabbit's briar patch?
Remus: Whar? Well now, lemme see.. Dat I
can't zackly say, 'cause I ain't been keepin close
Remus: track as I uster, but..
Johnny: Do you think we could find it?
Remus: Find it? Co'se we could! But what's the
use o' speculatin' on dat.. when we's goin' away?
Johnny: Do you think we ought to go uncle remus?
Remus: Not go? After I done fixed all dis grub?
Johnny: But you said it was a mighty long walk.
Remus: But we'se goin' together, ain't we?
What's done come over you, honey?
Johnny: Well, Brer Rabbit..
Remus: Well, what's Brer Rabbit got to do wid dis?
Tch Tch..! An' jes when I had a hankerin' for to go.
Johnny: Well.. if you really want to go, Uncle Remus.
Remus: Oh nemmine, honey. Nemmine.
I kin give it up if you kin.
Toby: Unc' Remus. Unc' Remus, I can't find Johnny
no place. An' I'se s'posed to take keer o'him.
Remus: Well, whadda you know 'bout dat?
Toby: I reckon he done for, Unc' Remus.
Toby: He mighter got hisse'f los'.. He mighter
fell in de mill pon'.. He mighter got et up.
Toby: Why, it's him! It sho is! Tain't nobody
else! How you like dat, Unc' Remus! It's Him.
Remus: Mebbe it's jes his ghost.
Toby: Is you? Naw, suh! Dat's him! Dat's him awright! Oh, oh!