The Yearling

- You and me, we know it. What's next?
- One pain curer.

One pain curer.
Yes, sir, as I says to my nephew,
"Oliver, you're just as well..."

- Oliver in town?
- Oliver! Oliver back?

- Where'd he go to this long time?
- He says he traveled the seven seas.

You reckon he saw whales this time?
Where is Oliver?

The sailor? He's out with his gal,
Twink Weatherby.

But Millwheel said she's Lem's girl.
Don't you bother your head about that.
That completes it. You figure that up.
With the cash left over, I'll buy some
tobacco seed for the spring money crop.

With that money, I'll buy brick and
mortar for a well outside our door.

- What do you think, Mr. Boyles?
- That'll be fine for Mrs. Baxter.

- What's this stuff? Black alpaca?
- Yeah, that's what it is.

That's what I thought.
I think I sold Mrs. Baxter
a dress length of that alpaca...

...about four or five summers back.
That's pretty.
Young man, you don't come in
to trade very often...

:47:19 I'll treat you to a dime's worth
of anything you've a notion for.

I reckon that mouth organ's
worth more than a dime.

Well, yes,
but it's been here a long while.

Take it and welcome.
- Well, now. That's unusual kind.
- Thank you, sir.

- There's your gal now, Jody.
- Pa.

It's Eulalie.
Come out special just to see you.

- Pa.
- Now go say "How do" to her. Go on.
