The Yearling

- Your boy's got manners, Mr. Baxter.
- He's right smart of a comfort.

- He hit me with a potato!
- Jody, you put that down.

What's got into you?
How come you shame me like that?

Now you go up and excuse yourself.
Right smart lot of spunk
your boy's got, Mr. Baxter.

Thank you, Mr. Boyles.
We'll be back later for our things.

Quick! They're killing Oliver. He's
fighting Lem and all the Forresters.

They're killing him.
Is Twink Lem's or Oliver's girl?

- They can't decide.
- Who do we fight for?

- Whoever's taking a licking: Oliver.
- But the Forresters are friends too.

- Who's judging this fight?
- We are!

If it takes three men to whip one,
the one man's the best.

Hello, Oliver. Welcome home.
Am I glad to see you,
you old landlubber, you.

I brought you a gift from China.
I saw a lot of whales too.

I'll smash you like a skeeter
if you get in my way.
