They'll catch the truck,question the driver, search the barrels.
lnside five minutesthey'll be starting back this way, slow...
combing the road, looking sharp.
Take maybe 10 minutes.
s+ee that? Gives me 15 minutes.
l've got to start taking chances.
What l wouldn't givefor some ice water or a smoke.
l've got to get out of here.Hope l buried my shirt deep enough.
lt's a dead giveaway.
Here comes something.l've got to take that chance now.
How did you get your feet wet?Been wading?
Crossed the stream back there.Couldn't see a bridge, so l waded across.
-Where you going?-San Francisco.
-Whereabouts in Frisco?-Civic Center.
ln your undershirt?
l like to be comfortable.
-Where did you get them pants?-What do you want to know for?