# Cast their spell #
# Tonight #
# La, la, la-la #
# La, la, la,
la, la, la... #
# La-la-la-la
la-la-la-la-la, hey ##
Give her my little present, brother.
Oh! Jaj istenem!
Oh! Liebling! Liebling!
Oh, mama! Look!
- What was that all about?
- It means she'll have lots of children.
My tooth brings
special luck, brother.
I've had 30... and three.
Zoltan! Zoltan!
Zoltan! Zoltan!
Zoltan! The signpost!
I come from the signpost!
- This is the boy.
- The signpost!
- I come from the signpost!
- Yes?
The dots! The dots! On the
signpost are three more dots.
- Who put them there?
- It was gadze with bicycle.
- You saw him?
- With my own eyes I see him.
Be careful!
There's soldiers working in the woods!
Liebling, be careful!