Zoltan! Zoltan!
Zoltan! Zoltan!
Zoltan! The signpost!
I come from the signpost!
- This is the boy.
- The signpost!
- I come from the signpost!
- Yes?
The dots! The dots! On the
signpost are three more dots.
- Who put them there?
- It was gadze with bicycle.
- You saw him?
- With my own eyes I see him.
Be careful!
There's soldiers working in the woods!
Liebling, be careful!
- Tell your fortune, master?
- No.
- Cross palm with silver.
- Look, will you please run along?
Master, at this moment
you are in great danger.
Pump up your bloomin'
bike, guv'nah?
- Aye!
- Good heavens!
- By Jove, that's you.
I mean, it is, isn't it?
- Yes, I suppose it is.
Oddly enough,
I sometimes doubt it.
My word, sir, that get-up.
Those earrings.
An absolute knockout, sir.
Really. Who is this?
Oh, yes, I forgot.
Miss Lydia, Mr Byrd.
How do you do?