Out of the Past

That's what I've been telling you. I missed
her. The dame caught a boat south.

- Where?
- Look, I got along before this job.

I ate good, and I grew as big as you did.
If there's something you don't like, say so.

- I just asked where.
- Chile. Guatemala.

You wanna go see the guy in the steamship
company? You wanna talk to him right now?

Why not?
- Taxi, sir?
- Yeah.

I'm sorry.
You missed her and you feel bad.

I shouldn't have joked about it.
All right, then I won't either.
You get your 5 grand back
and Stephanos can take over from here.

You're wrong.
I fire people, but nobody quits me.
You started this and you'll end it.
Besides, Joe couldn't find
a prayer in the Bible.

You'll find her. Take it easy.
Take your time.
Well, better get back to the airport.

Good luck, Jeff.
See you someday.
It wasn't all a lie
because she did take a steamer.

It was just that it went north
instead of south.

And I was on it too.
I opened an office in San Francisco.
A cheap little rat hole
that suited the work I did.

Shabby jobs for who'd ever hire me.
It was the bottom of the barrel,
and I scraped it, but I didn't care.

I had her.
We kept pretty much to ourselves.
We found a little movie house
in North Beach.

We were on the run. We went to places
we never would've seen in our lives.

And after a while,
we grew a little more sure of ourselves.

We drifted back to more familiar places,
ballparks and the racetracks.

Why not? After all, there wasn't one chance
in a million we'd bump into our past.
