Good luck, Jeff.
See you someday.
It wasn't all a lie
because she did take a steamer.
It was just that it went north
instead of south.
And I was on it too.
I opened an office in San Francisco.
A cheap little rat hole
that suited the work I did.
Shabby jobs for who'd ever hire me.
It was the bottom of the barrel,
and I scraped it, but I didn't care.
I had her.
We kept pretty much to ourselves.
We found a little movie house
in North Beach.
We were on the run. We went to places
we never would've seen in our lives.
And after a while,
we grew a little more sure of ourselves.
We drifted back to more familiar places,
ballparks and the racetracks.
Why not? After all, there wasn't one chance
in a million we'd bump into our past.
One chance in a million.
One chance in a million was all that chump
ever had in his life, and he made it good.
He stood there with our lives in his pocket,
because I knew if he saw her...
... he'd sell us both for $ 1.95.
So we had to separate.
I went alone to L.A.,
and I made it easy for him to follow me.
He was a good gumshoe.
It was the one thing he could really do.
So I went everywhere
like a guy enjoying the country.
I didn't write to her or phone or telegraph.
I just waited and moved.
When it seemed right,
I blew out of town to go and meet her.
I wasn't bad at the game myself. I was sure
I had shaken him loose, and I felt good.
Fisher was back there somewhere,
and I could see her again.
We'd arranged to meet at a little cabin
off the highway on Pyramid Creek.
It was dark when I was getting there.
And then I saw her
walking up the road in the headlights.