But they are all more than full.
Listen, Doctor,
couldn't we at least try?
Cases worse than this
have not been admitted.
But I'll try. I know some people
in Health Services.
Did you hear, Papa?
Maybe you'll go to the hospital!
- Thank you, Doctor.
- Imagine, you'll eat what you want.
- You'll get three meals a day.
- Yes, something warm.
Wait, wait.
I can't guarantee anything.
I'll try. I hope to manage it.
Goodbye. I'll let you know.
Thank you, Doctor.
- Happy, Papa? Feeling better here?
- Yes, better, much better.
Not so loud. They'll send you home
if they know you're better.
You're right.
The doctor said the same thing.
I have to tell you.
This place is great.
- I'm glad, Papa.
- You know what we eat here?
First soup, than some meat
with vegetables.
Unbelievable! Fresh vegetables!
Milk, too. This much of it.
- Really?
- Yes, and every day.
I'm happy they treat you well.
In the evening,
they give us a cup of warm broth!
You'll see-- pretty soon
you'll be able to get up.
I know...
but when I think of you all...
No, don't worry about us.
It's a big relief to know
that you're better, believe me.
I'm not a burden anymore.
Isn't it true, Eva?
- True, Papa.
- You're a good person.
- Will Eva be back soon?
- She's at the hospital. Wait for her.
- Is it okay to smoke in here?
- Of course.
- Would you like one?
- I don't feel like smoking.
I'll get you a match.
- Listen, do you have a match?
- No, we're out.
- Then go buy some.
- With what money?
- Ask Rademaker.
- No, don't worry. I'll ask Blank.
I have to see her too.
- Oh, here you are!
- Why? What's going on?
It's not urgent. I'll tell you later.
I'll wait for you at Blank's.
- How is Papa?
- Much better.
Here things get worse
each day that goes by.
- Eva, they've cut the power.
- The power? Why?
They discovered someone
was stealing it.
- Who did it?
- Someone in the house.