He Walked by Night

You got any idea
how long you've been on this case, Marty?

Months. Long enough to have
come up with something by this time.

You know any more about the Rowlins killer
than you knew the first week?

That he's about the toughest nut
l've ever had to crack.

That's what l told the Chief when he called
to know why the case hadn't been broken.

Look, Captain,
Rowlins was a friend of mine.

So is Chuck.
l've got a bigger stake in this
than the Chief knows.

l'm doing everything l can.
l'm afraid it's not enough, Marty.
Maybe you're too close to it to see it clearly.
Maybe it needs a fresh team,
a new viewpoint.

l think you better take
a couple of weeks off, starting tomorrow.

Anything you say, Captain.
Hi, Marty.
-Hi, Chuck.
-Meet Miss Scanlon, my new bodyguard.

-He's the one l've been telling you about.
-The one with the steel-trap brain?

-How do you do?

-This guy been behaving?
-After a fashion.

She takes me out in my go-cart,
puts me to bed, wakes me up, dresses me.

You're perfectly capable
of dressing yourself now, Mr. Jones.

l'll be back in a few minutes.
How's it been going, junior?
Pretty good, Chuck.
ls that why you're off the case?
-How do you know?
-Breen was in to see me this morning.

l guess he also told you
they put a new team on the case.

-He told me everything.
-Let's see what his new boys dig up.

Maybe they'll examine the facts of the case
a little more carefully.
