Johnny Belinda

Come on, get going before this load
starts stinking the place up.

I got to get the doctor.
Tim's been hurt down at the boat.

What is it, Stella?
There's a boy out here says a man's
been hurt down at the wharf.

I'll be right there.
Will you be giving me
some medicine, doctor?

No, Mrs. Poggety, just this diet list.
I think you'd better
have your teeth X-rayed.

- Oh, but Dr. Peterson always said...
- I'm not Dr. Peterson.

But what do my teeth to do
with my backache?

Well, it's taken medicine a good
many years to define that connection...

and I haven't time, unfortunately,
right now to explain it all to you.

Stella will take care of your things.
- Will you be back to supper?
- I don't know.

- When can I go back to work?
- No time at all.

The main thing is to see
there's no infection.

Would you like to put his coat on?
I'll take him in the buggy.
Hello, darling.
Hey, Locky. Going to the dance Saturday?
- Why? Your Gus going out with the fleet?
- I'll be on the wharf tonight.

Well, don't catch cold.
- So long, girls.
- Bye, Locky.

I looked for you, McCormick.
One half the fish you land yesterday
are undersize like little sardines.

Well, at 14 cents a pound I can't be
bothered sorting them. I'd starve to death.

If the buyer see them
he will not take them from me.

Well, boost your price
and I'll toss back the little ones.

And while we're talking about it...
- you miserable old skinflint...
- What's that?
