The main thing is to see
there's no infection.
Would you like to put his coat on?
I'll take him in the buggy.
Hello, darling.
Hey, Locky. Going to the dance Saturday?
- Why? Your Gus going out with the fleet?
- I'll be on the wharf tonight.
Well, don't catch cold.
- So long, girls.
- Bye, Locky.
I looked for you, McCormick.
One half the fish you land yesterday
are undersize like little sardines.
Well, at 14 cents a pound I can't be
bothered sorting them. I'd starve to death.
If the buyer see them
he will not take them from me.
Well, boost your price
and I'll toss back the little ones.
And while we're talking about it...
- you miserable old skinflint...
- What's that?
Don't get your hackles up,
you Micmac Indian...
not with that tub of guts.
- Micmac?
- Micmac! You'd not last two rounds.
It's about time
somebody took you down a peg.
You sell our catch for fancy prices...
yet you knock down 12 cents the pound
on us farmers.
You do not like that?
Well now, you listen to me,
Mr. Locky McCormick...
you owe big bill in my store.
You know that.
Well, you pay or I take your stinky boat.
Why, you greasy old half-breed.
You try and take that boat
and I'll gut you out like a cod.
You keep your hands to yourself.
Pretty tony since you're working
for His Lordship, huh?
You mind your own business.
I've got to get supper ready.
I don't like to see you
working for this man, Stella.
He's a fine doctor. He's a...