Yet when they pulled in
their nets...
they were full.
The thought of never earning enough
to feed so many mouths...
causes them endless anguish...
and poisons even
their few hours of rest.
Grandpa, what did we earn today?
1 5,500 lire?
We had 22 pounds
of large mackerel...
and got 7,7 50 lire.
Always the same old story.
We work all night,
and they benefit.
It's always been like this,
as long as I can remember.
It can't go on like this.
lucia, bring me some water
to wash up.
I say it can't go on!
I've told you over and over!
Cola, what's up with 'Ntoni?
Ever since he did military service
on the mainland...
he can't stand injustice.
He doesn't see things
the way we do anymore.
He thinks differently.
Isn't that right, 'Ntoni?
For 7 0 years I've thought the same way
and things have gone all right.
'Ntoni should listen to his elders.
like the old saying says...
"the strength of youth
and the wisdom of age."
Don't get cross, Grandfather.
Here's the water, 'Ntoni.
Come and wash up, Vanni.
Come on, get up.
'Ntoni, you shouldn't
upset Grandpa.
Poor Grandpa...
he can only think the old way.
My faithless love
You never became a holy nun