What do you want from me?
Just be patient.
We'll see what we can do.
We'll try to find something.
- Ricci, you'll hang posters.
- Posters?
Go to the employment office.
They'll give you a work permit.
My God, a job!
Hey, what about us?
I've got two jobs,
but they're not for you.
Because it's not for me
I must continue to rot?
There's just no work
for you people!
Ricci, don't forget
to take your bicycle.
You need one.
It's written on the slip.
A bicycle?
I have one, only it's broken.
I can get it in a couple of days.
Well, they won't take you then.
Why not?
I'll walk for a while.
Do you have it or not?
If not, somebody else'll get the job.
I have a bicycle!
You're not the only one!
I do too.
You're a bricklayer.
That's a different category.
- Then change it!
- I can't.
Ricci, either you have
a bicycle or not.
I have it.
I'll pick it up now.
Remember: If you don't have
a bicycle, nothing doing.
I'm not going to wait around
another year.
Don't worry.
I'll have the bicycle.
What is it?
My rotten luck, that's what.