- Apple pie and apple cake ´em.
- Yep!
# You can cook ´em
any way#
# There´s apple this
andapple that#
#The recipes´d
fill yer hat #
#Why, I could carry on
like this all day #
# So, packyer stuff
and git a-goin´ #
# Git them apple trees
a-growin´ #
#There´s a lot ofwork
out there to do #
[ Together]
#There´s a lot ofwork to do #
- Yes, sir!.
- ## [ Whistling ]
I mean, no, sir.
Yousee, sir, I ain´t got the traps,
ain´t got the gear,,,
ornone ofthe things
I´ll need out there,
You ain´t got the--
Dadgum it, boy,
I´m ashamed ofyou.
You got the stuff
to see you through.
Why,you got
all the seedsyou´re needin´,
and for pretty darn good
#There ain´t nothin´ finer
than your book #
Here´s a mighty handy bonnet.
Even got a handle on it.
#Turn it upside-down
and you can cook#
# So, come on, son
and git a-goin´ #
# Git them apple trees
a-growin´ #
[ Together] #There´s a lot
ofwork out there to do #
# Oh, there´s a lot ofwork
to do ##
Well, sir, that´s howit all began,
That´s howJohnny,
all alone,
set out to meet
the great unknown,
´Twas a mighty big
and fearsome place,,,
for a man to face,