Melody Time

#Turn it upside-down
and you can cook#

# So, come on, son
and git a-goin´ #

# Git them apple trees
a-growin´ #

[ Together] #There´s a lot
ofwork out there to do #

# Oh, there´s a lot ofwork
to do ##

Well, sir, that´s howit all began,

That´s howJohnny,
all alone,

set out to meet
the great unknown,

´Twas a mighty big
and fearsome place,,,

for a man to face,
A little man, and all alone,
without no knife,
without no gun,
And though the forest
is dark and wide,,,

with fearsome critters
on every side,

Johnnyjust kept walkin ´ on,
Walked until at last he found
a little spot of open ground,,,

with fertile soil
and warmsome breeze,

a likely place
for apple trees,

Now, the varmints here,
they couldn ´t know,,,

ifJohn was friend
orJohn was foe,

so some took off
in sudden flight,,,

and some got set
to claw and bite,

But ifJohnny seen ´em
he paid no heed,

Just got busy
a-plantin´apple seeds,

## [ Whistl i ng ]
