# I´llswing mygirl
halfthe time#
# Keepin´ ´erstraight
to a do-si-do #
# Chicken in the breadpan
pickin´ out dough #
# Big pig a-rootin´ out
a little tater row #
# And a-one more change
then home we go #
## [ Continues ]
[ Old Settler ] Now, sometimes
ifJohn was a-passin´by,,,
he´d mosey over and kinda
look in on the doin´s,
´cause it sure tickled him to see
how the fruit ofhis labors,,,
brought all kinds offolks together
and made ´em good neighbors,
# Now duck for the apple
Four i n a row #
Thank you, son.
# Corners go Apple core #
- [ All Shout ]
-# Bite that apple to the core #
- [ Sniffing ]
-# Ready now #
# Allemande left
to the ol´left hand#
# Back toyourpartner
Right and left grand#
# A-whirlin´right
and a-whirlin´ wrong#
# And straighten ´em out
and trot ´em along#
# A right and a left
Four in a row #
# Stack them couples
on a corner, go #
-# Apple core #
- [ Al I Shout ]
# Dance with a pretty girl
Try once more ##
[ Dancers Laughing ]
- [ Clanging ]
- [ Woman ] Come and get it!
The vittles´s on, the table´s set,
it´s all a-waitin´ to be et!
- Come and get it!
- [ Al I Shouting ]
- Apple pickles.
- Mighty tasty!
- Apple butter!
- Apple pastry!
-Apple dumpling!
- How´d you like some applesauce?.
Yes, ma´am!
[ Old Settler] Yup,Johnny did
bring folks a heap ofhappiness,
But, shucks, he weren´t
lookin´ for thanks,
Didn´t have time fer it,
He knowed a man
can´t take no rest,,,
ifhe aims to plant the whole
darn wilderness in apple trees,
And so it was--
for more´n 40 year,,,
John walked and planted
that old frontier,