[ Dancers Laughing ]
- [ Clanging ]
- [ Woman ] Come and get it!
The vittles´s on, the table´s set,
it´s all a-waitin´ to be et!
- Come and get it!
- [ Al I Shouting ]
- Apple pickles.
- Mighty tasty!
- Apple butter!
- Apple pastry!
-Apple dumpling!
- How´d you like some applesauce?.
Yes, ma´am!
[ Old Settler] Yup,Johnny did
bring folks a heap ofhappiness,
But, shucks, he weren´t
lookin´ for thanks,
Didn´t have time fer it,
He knowed a man
can´t take no rest,,,
ifhe aims to plant the whole
darn wilderness in apple trees,
And so it was--
for more´n 40 year,,,
John walked and planted
that old frontier,
[ Thunderclap ]
Yes, sir, 40 years
of walkin ´ and plantin ´,
And in that space
oftwoscore year,,,
this little man, he throwed his shadow
clear across the land,
across 1 00, 000 miles square,
And in that shadow
you´ll find he left
his blessin ´s three:
[ Chorus ]
# Love and faith #
# And the apple tree #
Boy, for sleepi n´
you take the cake.
Come on. Git up!
[ Whistles ]
We got a longsome
trip to make,
Oh, why, Mr. Angel.
Howdy do?.
I´m fine,
And how beyou?