The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

How do you mean?
I mean, he hires dumb guys like you
to work for him.

When it comes time to pay off,
he takes a powder.

How much we got left
of that $10 he gave us, Dobbsie?

- $2.50.
- That's not even enough for one bed.

I know a joint that's full of rats,
scorpions and cockroaches.

The cots are only 50 centavos a night.
Have another...
:10:43 for a dime a dozen
ain't to be had at all.

Streets are full of guys...
pushing each other over the hill.
...not 10 days from here by rail.
The mountain's waiting for the right guy
to discover and take her treasure.

The question is: Are you the right guy?
Real bonanzas are few and far between.
They take a lot of finding.

Answer me this, will you?
Why is gold worth some $20 an ounce?

- I don't know. Because it's scarce.
- A thousand men go searching for gold.

After six months one of them's lucky.
One out of the thousand.

His find represents not only his own labor
but that of 999 others to boot.

That's 6,000 months to 500 years...
scrambling over mountain,
going hungry and thirsty.

The gold is worth what it is 'cause of
the human labor that went into finding it.

- Never thought of it like that.
- There's no other explanation.

Gold ain't good for nothing
except for making jewelry and gold teeth.

Gold's a devilish sort of thing.
You start out to tell yourself
you'll be satisfied with $25,000 worth.

So help me Lord and cross my heart.
Fine resolution.

After months of sweating yourself dizzy,
few provisions, finding nothing...

you finally come down to $15,000,
then $10,000.

Finally you say,
"Lord, let me just find $5,000 worth...

"and I'll never ask for anything more
the rest of my life."

$5,000 is a lot of money.
In this joint it seems like a lot.
But if you made a real strike,
you couldn't be dragged away.

Even the threat of death wouldn't
keep you from adding $10,000 more.
