Say, buddy, will you stake a fellow...
Hey, mister, will you stakea fellow American to a meal?
- State lottery, señor?- Beat it. I ain't buying no lottery tickets.
4,000 pesos is the big prize.
Get away from me, you little beggar.
The whole ticket is only 4 pesos.It's a sure winner.
I ain't got 4 pesos.
Buy a quarter of a ticket for 1 peso silver.
If you don't get away from me,I'll throw this water right in your face.
Then one tenth of a ticket, señor, for 40...
Señor, buy one twentieth.One twentieth costs you only 20 centavos.
Look, señor, add the figures up.You get 13.
What better number could you buy?It's a sure winner.
- Yeah, how soon's the drawing?- Only three weeks off.
Give me a twentiethso I don't have to look at your ugly face.
Come again next time.
I always have the winners,all the lucky numbers. Good luck.