My friends? Suppose you leave them
out of it? But I can't, Murray.
Because, whatever you're doing,
and I'm sure it's something terribly wrong,
I know these men
are the cause of it.
They're wicked men, Murray!
I said, leave them out of it.
I'll talk to you later.
Oh, Luke.
Now, Marian.
Oh, Luke, I'm such a fool.
Please forgive me.
When did you get in?
A couple of hours ago.
What brought you back?
Bucks wired me to come.
Is it that bad? I'm afraid the
division's had about all it can take.
Oh, Luke, please talk to him.
You're his oldest friend.
He'll listen to you. He must!
Marian! How's my honey?
Where'd you pop up from?
I came in with Murray. Is
Emmy inside? Yeah, go on in.
She'll be glad to see you.
Bill, you...
you doing anything special?
Come on. Let's take a walk.