- Why?
- Don't argue, row!
Let me tell you something.
I'm going straight down this river.
You sure are, but you're going
over a waterfall first.
That's different...
Henri, stop playing ostrich!
Hold this!
Let's try to pull ourselves free!
All right.
Come on, pull, pull hard!
I'm pulling!
Now we're getting it!
Now row.
I'm rowing.
Come on, Henri, pull.
- Row hard.
- I am!
Now, turn it around.
I'll turn it.
You're so clumsy!
Have you got it?
A bit more.
That's awfully wet ground
you're sitting on.
At the moment,
I can't feel anything,
but, when I do, I'm going to
kick you bowlegged.
For what?
For saving your life?
Oh, yes.
You did catch that rope.
I did.
Convenient, wasn't it?
They always are.
I suppose I owe you something.
I'll call it square if you explain
the mission. Come on, Henri.
There's a man there who grinds
lenses. His name is...
- What's the matter?
- Charley horse.
Roll over,
I can fix that.