Riso amaro

Everybody knows
you pIay dirty.

Listen, kid,
we do this for them.

They'd be at home and
out of work without us.

No, we got 40 down aIready
and that's more than we need.

But as a favour to you...
Hands off!
Okay, we'II put her down.
Hey, what... We put her down.
See how I fixed it?
You don't have to worry now.

Thanks, but don't stay.
What about your Iuggage?

The girIs are minding it.
I Iike to move around.

Irene! How are you?
-Look at aII the soIdiers!
-They're at camp here.

The boss gave them the
farmstead for a few months

but they have to move out
now we're here.

-How do you know aII that?
-A guy from back home is here.

-I'm seeing him tonight.
-You sure move fast!

I do what I can...
40 days is a Iong time!

We're in barracks too. You'II
see how the dorms smeII!

Lucky I aIways Iiked soIdiers!
How about you?

I've seen more soIdiers
than a retired generaI.

I can teII the regiment
just by the smeII.
