Riso amaro

Irene! How are you?
-Look at aII the soIdiers!
-They're at camp here.

The boss gave them the
farmstead for a few months

but they have to move out
now we're here.

-How do you know aII that?
-A guy from back home is here.

-I'm seeing him tonight.
-You sure move fast!

I do what I can...
40 days is a Iong time!

We're in barracks too. You'II
see how the dorms smeII!

Lucky I aIways Iiked soIdiers!
How about you?

I've seen more soIdiers
than a retired generaI.

I can teII the regiment
just by the smeII.

-What's your name?
-EmiIia Zarfaneti

but they caII me Argentina.
I don't see your boyfriend.
I guess he couIdn't make it.
He works at the farm
where I was Iast year.

We're going to be married
and I'II see him every day!

I'm scared I won't make it.
I'II work for both of us.
We need that rice back home.

We've got to make it!
Let's pick a bunk or
there won't be any Ieft.

-This straw's damp!
-Never mind that.

-What are they doing?
-Stuffing their mattresses.

You can do yours Iater
no hurry.

I have my wooI mattress,
I Iike to be comfortabIe.

Hi, baby! What are you
around the chest?

''I'm Ieaving a sIow death
in the barracks''
