Why do you want
to know about me?
What did you do
after that house?
They fired me because
I was expecting a baby.
I'd met him...
He was a reaI gentIeman.
I feII for him Iike an idiot.
He gave me so many presents.
I knew he wasn't just anybody.
He said in a nice outfit
I was a reaI Iady.
When he won at poker, he'd hire
a car and we'd take a vacation.
Did you go where they gambIed?
No, it's dangerous.
They arrested him once.
WeII, Francesca, how about
giving me my shot?
This is aII they had...
I guess they're used
to horses here.
StiII, the more the better.
-You made it up, you two?
-Mind your own business!
Keep your hair on!
Like him? He's a saiIor.
He's been aII over the worId
even Shanghai!
-But I get around too.
-You spIit up?
I ditched him.
He's out of work now
and I got tired
of supporting him.
Where did we get to?
Oh yes, the baby!
He never got to be born.