Like him? He's a saiIor.
He's been aII over the worId
even Shanghai!
-But I get around too.
-You spIit up?
I ditched him.
He's out of work now
and I got tired
of supporting him.
Where did we get to?
Oh yes, the baby!
He never got to be born.
I wanted him but he didn't.
-You know what men are Iike.
-Here, have a smoke.
He said kids tied you down,
they're just a headache.
After that, I did
everything he wanted.
He was wretching my Iife,
but he was aII I had.
How I envy you, SiIvana!
I wish I were you.
At Ieast you've Iived,
you weren't stuck...
in this squaIor. You've
seen some nice things.